Welcome to Shadowmatch Reports!
We build systems that build success for all
Click Here to see how the process works.
What are the Shadowmatch Reports?
At Shadowmatch we specialize in giving people the power to shape their careers and lives through self-knowledge. We have created reports that help guide people through the most significant areas of their lives by analyzing their habits.
How does our report process work?
Please select the payment gateway you wish to use below.

Item |
Price per Item |
- |
Shadowmatch Full Report |
Career Report |
Study Method Report |
- |
Relationship Reports |
- |
Personal Development Programs |
Industry Paradigm Report |
Grand Total |
We need your email address please. This enables us to send your reports to you and will allow you to access your reports on the system.
The Email field is required. This must be a valid email address. Email may not be greater than 254 characters. |
The retyped email does not match the first email that you entered. |
Email Address Unsubscribed
You have unsubscribed from our mailing service. To respect your privacy we cannot send you any further emails unless you resubscribe.
If you would like to resubscribe, you will need to contact us at: [email protected] and let us know you would like to be resubscribed.
Remember to contact us from the email address that you would like to resubscribe - so that you can prove that the email account belongs to you.
Don’t waste your money...
According to our records, you already have the following items:
- {{ report }}
{{ cartService.restrictions.pdpExplanation }}
Existing Account
The {{ getListAsString(existingWorksheet) }} will use your most recently started worksheet.
You have the option to purchase your {{ getListAsString(optionalAssignments) }} for your last completed worksheet, or you can choose to start a new worksheet.
You have the option of using your existing worksheet or starting a new worksheet for relationship reports.
We have removed the items you already own from your cart to save you unnecessary costs. You can use the link below to take yourself to your personal portal where you can see everything that is already available on your account. If you have a question or a special request, please click on contact us and let us know. We will be able to help you.
Your email matches the email you gave as your PDP mentor. Enter a different person’s email to proceed with checkout.
The email for the Relationship Report matches your email. One of the emails for the Relationship Reports matches your email. Enter a different person’s email to proceed with checkout.
It looks like you already have too many Relationship Report requests on your account. You can only buy {{ cartService.restrictions.relationship_report }} reports at the moment - so you will have to remove a Relationship Report. It looks like you already have too many Relationship Report requests on your account. You can only buy {{ cartService.restrictions.relationship_report }} reports at the moment - so you will have to remove {{ Math.max(0, cartService.updatedCartItems.relationship_report ? cartService.updatedCartItems.relationship_report.length - cartService.restrictions.relationship_report : 0 ) }} Relationship Reports.
Item |
Price per Item |
Amount |
Total |
Use Existing Worksheet |
Shadowmatch Full Report |
- |
Shadowmatch Full Report |
- |
Career Report |
- |
Career Report |
- |
Study Method Report |
- |
Study Method Report |
- |
Relationship Reports |
- |
Relationship Reports |
- |
Personal Development Programs |
- |
Personal Development Programs |
- |
Industry Paradigm Report |
- |
Industry Paradigm Report |
- |
Grand Total |
The PayPal payment options could not be rendered. Please refresh.
If you continue to see this message, please make sure that PayPal is not blocked by your browser.
You can contact Shadowmatch support at [email protected].
{{ errorMessage }}
Your request has been sent. We will get in contact with you shortly.
What would you like to discuss?
The Full Name field is required.
The Email field is required.
This must be a valid email address.
Email may not be greater than 254 characters.
The Contact Number field is required.
The city field is required.
You need to select at least one interest
The Message field is required.